The Land Where The Bong Tree Grows

I write of reason’s hinterland, 
        the land each dreamer knows
And where I now feel most at home -- 
        It’s where the Bong Tree grows.
Where all one’s goods can be contained 
        in just a five pound note,
And all its new arrivals fit 
        in one small pea-green boat:
Where politicians don’t exist 
        and banks don’t make a killing,
Where no-one cares that GDP 
        amounts to just one shilling:
Where sandy beaches have no oil, 
        no screaming kids or bars
And songs are backed by nothing more 
        than small non-amped guitars:
Where cats and owls dance hand in hand 
        replete on quince and honey --
And those who write this kind of verse 
        can all earn steady money.